Hey folks, the time has come and we have retired. Thank you for your support!
300 gallon rainwater tank
300 gallon rainwater tank

Stainless Rain Tank Dimensions and Pricing

Our most common sizes:
140gallon 2'6"dx4'h $ 1,015
200 gallon 3'dx4'h $ 1,300
300 gallon 3'dx6'h $ 1,890
400 gallon 3'6"dx6'h $ 2,200
500 gallon 4'dx6'h $ 2,540
800 gallon 5'dx6'h $ 3,255
1000 gallon 5'6"dx6'h $ 4,200
1200 gallon 6'dx6'h $ 4,550
1650 gallon 7'dx6'h $ 5,650
2200 gallon 7'dx8'h $ 6,215

Height dimension is to the top of the cylinder; the removable, conical lid adds 8-20 inches, depending on tank diameter.

Small tanks are supplied with downspout diverters which filter out debris and channel overflow back to your downspout. Also included is a 3/4" watertight fitting at the bottom for a hose spigot.

Medium tanks include two (2) watertight fittings at 3"; one is for the inlet and one for the overflow. A prefiltration device (Leaf Eater) and Flap Valve for mosquito protection are included in the above pricing. And a 3/4" fitting for a hose spigot.

Large tanks include two (2) watertight fittings at 4" - one for inlet and one for overflow - plus a prefiltration device (Leaf Eater) and Flap Valve for mosquito protection. Large tanks are typically supplied with 1.25" watertight bulkhead fittings at the bottom for pumps or hose spigots.

We place fittings according to your specifications.

Custom tank sizes available - just ask!

We offer additional supplies for a successful rainwater collection system. Everything you need to harvest the rain!

Metal Rain Tanks ships across the country. Feel free to contact us for shipping quotes.

Metal Rain Tanks, LLC

(276) 252-8700

rainwater for irrigation
rainwater for irrigation